Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The Financial Whipping Post

My father and I were chatting today about household know, the ones you can't avoid, like these:

New roof
Clogged sewer pipes
Broken Appliances

We also discussed the inevitable free fall of the U.S. dollar and the financial implications: Doomsday for the U.S. know....cheery subjects...(that's sarcasm....). We also talked about my husband's and my inability to complete the patio reconstruction project in our back yard due to the fact that we can't afford it, and the fact that we will continue to pay interest on our home loans for years to come before our hard earned dollars touch our principal payments.

Did you know that it costs a minimum of $8,000 to replace a smallish concrete slab? It costs $10,500 to construct a TREX deck of approximately the same size. We would have to have 70% of the cost of that project down before a contractor would start working on it. Can you say "Home Equity Loan?" We just can't afford a project of that size. It's unbelievable!

So here we remain, tied to the whipping post...for the rest of our natural lives! (insert Evil Laugh here)

Unless we're Bill Gates or some other wealthy individual, we're all tied to the financial whipping post until death. With almost no hope of ever having a real job that makes real money...what's a girl to do?

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