Tuesday, July 24, 2007

In Appreciation of Friends

A true friend is someone who will tell you the truth in love, even if it's hard to hear it, because they want the best for you and the people you love.

A true friend will tell you if you have a bat in the cave (booger in your nose), or spinach in your teeth, so that you don't walk around like that all day.

A true friend will tell you when you're lookin' a little rough, and tell you it's time to go and get your hair done or to get back to the gym.

A true friend will make time in their busy schedule just to chat, because they know you need to talk.

A true friend listens to your outbursts, sifts through the emotions to the heart of the issue and helps you find and repair the part that hurts.

A true friend will share his/her food supply and not think you are a mooch (but only if you don't do it too often).

A true friend will bear uncomfortable situations to be by your side in your time of need or grief.

A true friend supports you in your crazy ideas (like going back to school) if he/she knows it will be good for you.

A true friend encourages your walk with the Lord, spurns gossip, and looks for the best in the situation when it could be at it's bleakest.

Thanks for being my friend.

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