Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Humble Pie

Have you ever opened your mouth and inadvertently inserted your foot? Dang. That's what I did this week on my blog. I had an emotional outburst that could have done more damage than it did. I learned some new things and reinforced some oldies but goodies with this whole retraction process:

1. When emotions run high, reason goes right out the window.

2. Just because you feel something, doesn't mean you should immediately express it, ....in writing, .......to everyone you know.

3. Emotions come and go, but once expressed are hard to take back (like toothpaste out of the tube).

4. That good friends will tell you when you screw up.

5. That it's best to admit a mistake as soon as you realize you've made one.

6. It's good to ask forgiveness when it is appropriate to do so.

7. My sense of logic is consistently impeded by my emotions during hormone surges.

8. I still love my husband, even when we're having issues.

9. Two wrongs, don't make a right (they make a double negative instead!)

10. There are certain things about men and women that are specific to their gender.

I'm sure there are many more things I have learned if I think about it, but these were the ones that immediately came to mind.

Have a great day!

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