Monday, July 12, 2010

It's Not Everyday

It's not an everyday revelation, the date of your conception,
the day your life takes root in me.

I pledge to protect your life with my own.
I'm your Momma, he's your Daddy and we've been waiting for you, little miracle for what seems like forever.

Uncompromised nutrition, exercise, sleep, for your provision.
A mother's love is sacrificial. One day I hope you know that love for your own child, though tomorrow brings uncertainty.

I have to hope for your life in me. I can't think about you logically or in a detached way.
Your existance excites me and fosters dreams of who you may become.

I love you with everything I am.

It's not everyday, God blesses us with the responsibility of a lifetime.
Wednesday, July 14th is the day he blesses us, with you.


  1. beautiful, Rigel. I wait, anxiously, with you - and look forward to your news!
    love you, girl!!

  2. Rigel, I am balling here, reading the sweetness flowing from your heart. I have been praying for my niece or nephew Schoonover for so many years, for my dear friends to know the amazing love of being mommy and daddy. So we wait on Him with you, hand-in-hand across the miles, our hearts stopped, waiting for your news.

    We love you guys so much,

    Steph & Ian

  3. Praying. Hoping. Waiting with you.

  4. What!? Already? Holy cow, that's awesome! Am I reading this right? So excited! Keep us posted!!

  5. Praying for everything to go well on Wednesday, and that this dream comes true for you!
