Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Lesson on Assessment

We've started investigation 2 in our unit on water. To wrap up investigation 1 I had to give an anecdotal assessment in which the kids had to write a letter to some campers who erroneously pitched their tent next to a stream at the bottom of a slope next to a creek when it rained. The kids have to tell them why that wasn't such a hot idea.

The kids didn't have access to a rubric ahead of time. It's because I didn't know that one existed. It's hard when they're getting assessed and they've never been camping and they're magically supposed to apply new concepts after only a short time of exposure to them. I felt bad for not helping them more by telling them that they need to really think about what they know about water and drop some hints. I just thought I was supposed to give it to them and let them show me what they know. Apparently, they still struggle at this age to mine their own mind mines for gold. They still need a conveyor belt to bring it to the surface for them.

Next time, I'll make sure I try and reinforce the concepts learned in the investigations and point out that they will need to make sure to list three reasons plus explanations to score a 4. Today I learned that successful outcomes don't just happen, they are orchestrated by a maestro.

To bring the gold to the surface you have to dig deeper.

1 comment:

  1. You want to tutor Linda's kids? I just assume they should know better... Maybe I'm not so smart myself.
