Friday, April 3, 2009

Cooperative Learning, How to Foster a Class that Works Together

How do you get 24 children of various ethnicity, backgrounds, ability levels, and social challenges to work together? Don't ask me. I thought YOU knew. I'm in the process of digesting Harry Wong's "The First Days of School." I'm reading his take on Cooperative Learning and I'm interested in what he has to say about how I can foster a teaching environment in which children BLOSSOM and don't feel threatened.

He talks about a global community and of preparing students to live and work within it. He wants to discourage students from competing against each other and get them to focus on competing only against themselves, striving for their own personal bests.

I'm brainstorming ways for them to be able to feel more secure but also about ways to foster personal growth and confidence through self-assessment and metacognition.

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