Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Life On Ice

I have one source of sadness in my life that weighs on me nearly every day. Ironically, it's also a source of hope. I have seven, cryogenically preserved babies, well, technically, three blastocysts and four zygotes. The blastocysts are at the pre-embryo stage and the zygotes are newly united sperm and ovum.
As far as I'm concerned, I have seven children that have yet to be born, and it's so hard to have to wait to see if I'll be able to try and give life to all of them. It costs several hundred dollars per year to keep them safely frozen and tucked away for another day (that I pray will come). For us, it's a matter of being able to financially support a larger family. I know how much I love the two I have, and I long for the ones I cannot touch and hold.

1 comment:

  1. That is heart breaking. God be with you in your decisions and plans. I'm sorry for this--- it just feels so terrible. Your little girls are ADORABLE, by the way :)
