Sunday, June 13, 2010

Quit Bugging Me!

We woke up this morning to our cat Hobbes, spazzing around on top of us. He was playing with a paper ball. He likes to do that, and normally it's cute, but not at the butt crack of dawn.  It turns out Hobbes wasn't the only thing creeping around this morning.

Have you ever woken up to the feeling of something crawling on you? Yeah. I did. This morning. Ants, everywhere. Two different sizes. Smaller ones, no wings. Larger ones (1/2 inch) with wings. Swarming on the sunshine filled windows. This necessitated an early morning Walmart run for some spray and traps, but we'll also be calling around for exterminator estimates. Good times. Anyone know a good, reliable one that guarantees they will find the nest etc.?


  1. Moyers Indoor Outdoor. We had carpenter ants Spring 2009. Three days later, we didn't. Still don't.

  2. Thanks Craig. We'll be calling them!

  3. I've heard making a paste from Boric Acid, Sugar, and Water and spreading that out around the area where the ants are will make them go away.

    Don't know if it works, but it might be cheaper than an exterminator. Good luck!
