Friday, July 3, 2009

Kids, or Lack Thereof

This week I had the pleasure of having my sister and my neice come to our house for a visit. My husband and I have had trouble conceiving, so it was fun to have a kid in the house.

I learned that among the patience God gave to Job, it takes constant vigilance and discipline to properly raise a child. I guess I should really say the necessity for supervision and correction were reinforced because I already knew they were needed.

There are alot of lazy parents out there that don't provide proper, CONSISTENT supervision and guidance, but my sister is not one of them. She is among a decreasing number of parents who are perpetually striving to bring their children up the way they should be respect the authority of adults.

*You always have to make children aware that nobody has the right to molest them so that they learn boundaries to avoid being violated, but children should be raised to respect others and themselves.

Young children need to be told what to do, not given multiple choices. Who is the parent!!!? When you are older, you get choices as priviledges when you demonstrate responsibility and reason.

I'm tired of disrespectful, impatient attitudes of entitlement. Children need to learn self-control, discipline, patience, kindness, THE FRUITS OF THE SPRIIT... Virtuous behavior!

Kids Should:

1. Volunteer and learn the importance of helping others and of the concept of community.
2. Tend a vegetable garden, do the work, have patience as it grows, tend the garden, reap the harvest.

Argh. I'm off the soap box and going to bed.

Yes, I still want to be a teacher. Yes, I am prepared to deal with parents and children of parents like this.

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