Sunday, February 8, 2009

Glancing at the Long Road Ahead...and Feeling Tired Already...

I'm beginning Week Four of student teaching. By Friday, I will have completed over 25% of my student teaching experience. Anybody that says teaching is easy hasn't ever taught, not really. Between lesson planning, classroom management and parent correspondence, not to mention grading, meetings, and journaling about your experiences, teaching is a lot of work.

If you successfully complete your student teaching experience and earn a glowing recommendation from your cooperating teacher and supervising professor, then your job hunting experience begins.

Unless you're departing for the city to teach in Philly, your first goal will probably be to prepare for interviewing and to land a substitute teaching position. If you are lucky enough to land a long term sub position in a good district, then you'll hope to be picked for the first available teaching job that comes available.

The universities that accept you into their certificate programs won't tell you this. I will. That's because I'm living it right now!


  1. I wouldn't relive that experience for the world! Student teaching and the very first year of your first teaching job are WAY worse than anything that will come after, I promise!

    good luck!

  2. I agree with Dorothy 100%! I know it's not fun now Rigel, but it does get better! Also, as far as job hunting is concerned, PA unions are tough...but once you get in your benefits are worth it! Hang in there! :-)

  3. It's been a few years Rigel, but oh how I do remember! Keep your eye on the prize, you'll be awesome! Aunt Margie
