Just One More Thing...
How busy is "too busy"?
When is life too full to be enjoyable?
What is the cost of restlessness or
the toll taken by saying "yes" to everyone who needs something you have to give?
I ask myself these things as I find myself needing a break from life. I'm not suicidal, simply tired of being too busy. I'm not enjoying working full time, attending classes year-round, and letting my body ease into fatness in my 30's because I'm too busy to live anything but a sedentary lifestyle.
When I was in 7th grade my teacher made us write a letter to ourselves listing goals that we would hope to have accomplished by our senior year of high school. I kept that letter, and I can say I didn't reach all my goals, but the point is, life doesn't always turn out how you hope it will as you look at it through the rose-colored glasses of youth.
I didn't rock my S.A.T.'s or take all AP level classes. I didn't go to an Ivy League school and I don't drive a fancy car. Until last October I drove the car I've had since college, until I wrecked it in an auto accident (incidentally, never thought I'd be in one of those).
By age 30 I thought I would be married with kids, working in my dream job somewhere, writing a newspaper column or living the life of a best-selling author, living in my dream house, socking money away for retirement and travelling the world. This is not my reality.
Time is a commodity, a gift, life's currency.
We are given a set number of hours in each day, week, month and year.
Time is portioned by boundaries we give to ourselves and to others.
Each man, woman and child is given an unknown amount of time on this earth and is given cultural parameters within which they can manipulate that time to their advantage.
Here today, gone tomorrow the old saying goes.
Who guarantees we will be here tomorrow to enjoy the wealth we amass today?
Is it really important to hold onto that grudge or is it better to seek reconciliation and forgiveness?
Is it better to work that 80 hour week or invest time in family?
Life is full of choices.
Time is an ally and an elusive foe.
It is our responsibility how we will employ him.
Time is a gift to be given to those we cherish, a sacrifice of praise, an offering of love.
Will we use ours to bring glory to ourselves or to our Father in heaven?
Just one more thing...
Time is a treasure.
We may hoard it like a dragon
or we may share it like a friend,
keeping some back for ourselves so our cup can runneth over!
How will I use the time I have today, to make a brighter, more enjoyable tomorrow even if I'm not here to enjoy it?
How busy is "too busy"?
When is life too full to be enjoyable?
What is the cost of restlessness or
the toll taken by saying "yes" to everyone who needs something you have to give?
I ask myself these things as I find myself needing a break from life. I'm not suicidal, simply tired of being too busy. I'm not enjoying working full time, attending classes year-round, and letting my body ease into fatness in my 30's because I'm too busy to live anything but a sedentary lifestyle.
When I was in 7th grade my teacher made us write a letter to ourselves listing goals that we would hope to have accomplished by our senior year of high school. I kept that letter, and I can say I didn't reach all my goals, but the point is, life doesn't always turn out how you hope it will as you look at it through the rose-colored glasses of youth.
I didn't rock my S.A.T.'s or take all AP level classes. I didn't go to an Ivy League school and I don't drive a fancy car. Until last October I drove the car I've had since college, until I wrecked it in an auto accident (incidentally, never thought I'd be in one of those).
By age 30 I thought I would be married with kids, working in my dream job somewhere, writing a newspaper column or living the life of a best-selling author, living in my dream house, socking money away for retirement and travelling the world. This is not my reality.
Time is a commodity, a gift, life's currency.
We are given a set number of hours in each day, week, month and year.
Time is portioned by boundaries we give to ourselves and to others.
Each man, woman and child is given an unknown amount of time on this earth and is given cultural parameters within which they can manipulate that time to their advantage.
Here today, gone tomorrow the old saying goes.
Who guarantees we will be here tomorrow to enjoy the wealth we amass today?
Is it really important to hold onto that grudge or is it better to seek reconciliation and forgiveness?
Is it better to work that 80 hour week or invest time in family?
Life is full of choices.
Time is an ally and an elusive foe.
It is our responsibility how we will employ him.
Time is a gift to be given to those we cherish, a sacrifice of praise, an offering of love.
Will we use ours to bring glory to ourselves or to our Father in heaven?
Just one more thing...
Time is a treasure.
We may hoard it like a dragon
or we may share it like a friend,
keeping some back for ourselves so our cup can runneth over!
How will I use the time I have today, to make a brighter, more enjoyable tomorrow even if I'm not here to enjoy it?
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