Well...this entry is for the ladies, so guys...hide your eyes, and move on to the next post.
There is a code phrase I use to indicate when it's...how do I delicately put this...."My time of the month."
The phrase is this, "I'm riding the crimson wave."
You may have heard its variations, "My bloody friend from England is here for a visit," or simply "Surf's up!"
Whatever the lingo...the symptoms of this monthly malady are universal...bloating, irritability, mood swings, and the lot...
We call it, "The curse" because since original sin in the Garden of Eden, women were cursed with pain in child bearing, and I am convinced that menstruation is part of that curse. Morning sickness, menstruation, menopause...you name the uncomfortable hormonal cycle in life, and it can be tied directly to the reproductive process we know so well.
As a woman who is in the process of trying to conceive, it can be very emotional to see evidence of the crimson tide each month. I would love to make it past day 30 without becoming the surfer once again, but month after month it is the same. Between day 28 and day 30...
Surf's up!
I'll just have to be patient, try not to get frustrated, or ask the "What if" questions, and rest in the sovreignty of God. HE has a plan!
There is a code phrase I use to indicate when it's...how do I delicately put this...."My time of the month."
The phrase is this, "I'm riding the crimson wave."
You may have heard its variations, "My bloody friend from England is here for a visit," or simply "Surf's up!"
Whatever the lingo...the symptoms of this monthly malady are universal...bloating, irritability, mood swings, and the lot...
We call it, "The curse" because since original sin in the Garden of Eden, women were cursed with pain in child bearing, and I am convinced that menstruation is part of that curse. Morning sickness, menstruation, menopause...you name the uncomfortable hormonal cycle in life, and it can be tied directly to the reproductive process we know so well.
As a woman who is in the process of trying to conceive, it can be very emotional to see evidence of the crimson tide each month. I would love to make it past day 30 without becoming the surfer once again, but month after month it is the same. Between day 28 and day 30...
Surf's up!
I'll just have to be patient, try not to get frustrated, or ask the "What if" questions, and rest in the sovreignty of God. HE has a plan!
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