Well...I went for my second ultrasound today at the fertility clinic. I was wanded by a nice nurse named Gina. At the end of the visit, I picked up a prescription for the Chlomid Challenge Test and one for an antibiotic to go along with my two other diagnostic testing procedures that I just confirmed for this week. They were scheduled for me at an appointed time. No shillyshallying around with appointment times.
I admit I panicked a bit with the prescriptions. Our pharmacy is typically a mail-order deal. I needed to start the Chlomid today. A nice pharmacist at our Walgreens helped me out immensely by talking to my insurance company and they were able to get me the generic Chlomid for $5.00. Thank you Diptka!
Wednesday will be the first test- the Hysteroscopy. They'll use a scope to evaluate the inside of my uterus for polyps, fibroids, and/or scar tissue. I'll be at a surgical center for that one.
Friday I'll have the Hysterosalpingogram or HSG (dye study). This test evaluates your fallopian tubes and the shape of my uterus. That one will be done in a radiology dept.
Saturday morning, I'll be back at Abington again, bright and early for another blood draw.
Early Monday morning will be another ultrasound and another blood draw before work. That will conclude the first round of testing. At that point, they will schedule a sit down with hubby and I to give us their opinion on the best course of treatment.
The antibiotic is to prevent infection from the Hysterosalpingogram and the Hysteroscopy. I'll be vigilant for fever, bad pain, or bleeding. Boo on those things!
I'll let you know how things go!
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