Tuesday, February 16, 2010

If You Were Me...What Would YOU Do?

If you were me, what would you do? I need to make some money to supplement my income. I'm looking at a few different options and I want to solicit your feedback/opinion on some choices. You may even be so bold to make your own suggestions.

Option #1. I'm considering becoming a Pampered Chef consultant. I like quite a few of their products, but not all of them. I've been wanting to expand my cooking repetoire and this is a great incentive to do so. I'm just worried I won't devote enough time to grow my business or I'll spend too much money on increasing my business instead of banking it. It's definitely a commitment to consider. If you do well, you can grow your own team, develop a good client list, and you can go on trips etc. This job also hones your marketing skills and confidence! Would YOU have a PC party with me as your hostess with the mostess?

Option #2. Tutoring. I have the degree, the challenge will be building a client list. Any ideas?

Option #3. Babysitting/Nannying. I almost have an interview for this Friday after school. I am waiting for a confirmation. It would be steady work.

So I'm curious as to your thoughts on each of these endeavors.


  1. for tutoring: can you tell all those schools that you've been subbing for that you tutor.?..can you put up fliers there? can you be put on a list?

    all i suggest is do what also brings you joy. or else you'll be miserable.
    hope it works out for you rigel!!

  2. Rigel-

    My suggestions are: skip the PC thing-- my aunt did something similar for years, selling for the Body Shop- she made great money but it took up TONS of time and it took quite a while before it was really worth her energy, when she had enough people selling for her that she really made money. She was also a SAHM so she had time to build the business. Also, honestly- I hate being invited to those types of parties. You always feel like you have to buy stuff, and everyone's trying to save money.

    As for nannying/babysitting- I think to make real money it something you, again, have to be able to do full time. Your energy should be spent towards finding your dream teaching job, and being available for subbing is probably pretty key for that.

    My suggestion is to do tutoring- I would especially recommend looking to work for Kaplan or TPR. The hours are regular (evenings/weekends), you can usually pick and choose when/which courses you want to teach, and once you establish yourself as a good teacher you can make even better money doing one on one tutoring. GRE teachers make more money than SAT teachers, but SAT is more fun (at least I think so, teens are more amusing) and it's interesting classroom experience. Plus you get paid for teacher training AND you can always find your own private students if you want to later. If you wanted to travel, I was sent to the UK for a summer to do SAT prep work and I was offered a spot in Dubai - I also had a very wealthy student ask me to go back to the Phillipines with her to be her full-time tutor.

    Also, bartending is fun and they can make good money- you definitely have the friendly personality for it and your days would be free for subbing!

    Good luck with the job search :)

  3. Sooz....I love yah girl! You're right. I need to LOVE it. :)

    Lot's of neat suggestions. Girl! If I could travel! Woohoo! How fun would that be? I need to get on somebody's list, that's for sure. Neat background story! Thanks for sharing your experiences.

  4. Tutoring. No doubt about it.

    I'd post a few flyers in the local library, at church (if they have a bulletin board to do so), and at any schools that will let you post. Also, tell the parents of any teenagers you know. They know someone who's kid needs help in school.

    You also might want to investigate Early Intervention providers in your area. I've done some consulting work through EI, and it's pretty decent money.

    Good luck!

  5. I'm in the same position. What about some of those "work from home" on-line opportunities? If I find any that sound promising, I'll let you know. Nothing better than going to work in pajama pants, after all. [grin]
