Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Killing Time...on the Internet

What do you do to kill time when you surf the internet?
Here is my list of top 10 things I do to kill time while catching e-waves.

1. Randomly follow links from one web page to the next.

2. Read various blogs and leave various snarky, witty comments.

3. Read various blogs and leave insightful, thoughtful comments.

4. Fill your shopping basket with items you have no intention of purchasing and then indiscriminately close your browser.

5. Facebook until you can't tell people "What are you doing right now" anymore because they already know. You're killing time.

6. Add things to your Amazon wish list.

7. Add things to your Universal wish list.

8. Create superfluous aliases to your multitude of email accounts having no intention of checking any of them... ever.

9. Find images via Google.com to use in future blog posts.

And the 10th thing you can do to kill time on the internet....

Send flowers to people you love...just because.

Now it's your turn. Post a reply with the top three things YOU do to kill time online.

1 comment:

  1. 1. check e-mail--via myspace,facebook and all other places people might message me!
    2. play wordtwist on facebook! (very addicting)
    3. read other's blogs!

