It's day two of my diet. My stomach is still in "the shrinking phase" so I feel hungry when I should feel full. I met with my diet counsellor Lori and told her how day two had been tough. She looked at what I had eaten and told me I should try and spread my protein out- perhaps have some in my afternoon snack, and not go so long without eating.
I have to admit, I went 5 hours without food and it was killer. I'm supposed to be eating 6 small meals a day so going 5 hours without food wasn't helpful. Seriously... drinking that protein shake when I got home literally saved the lives of a group of small children that pass by my house on their way home from afterschool activities. I could have eaten them. Tragedy was narrowly avoided.
I'm looking at different ways of putting my food allowances together tonight in an attempt to avoid the starving wolf hunger I felt today. Lori also said that after a couple more days I shouldn't have such a hard time of things as my stomach becomes accustomed to eating less food...AKA the right amount of food. I lost a little weight between Saturday (when I signed up for the weight loss program) and today (my first counseling session with Lori since sign-up day) and we're going to make it a regular appt. I'll see her every Monday at 5:30 Lord willing and the crick don't rise.
My friend Rachy Rach signed up two to three weeks before me and she has already lost some poundage. I call her Godzilla on the weight bench. This chick is putting me to weight lifting shame. I love it. She's a beast. I tell her so and she laughs. I have plans to order her a t-shirt. Oh yeah. Godzilla.
Well, back to planning. Ciao!
I have to admit, I went 5 hours without food and it was killer. I'm supposed to be eating 6 small meals a day so going 5 hours without food wasn't helpful. Seriously... drinking that protein shake when I got home literally saved the lives of a group of small children that pass by my house on their way home from afterschool activities. I could have eaten them. Tragedy was narrowly avoided.
I'm looking at different ways of putting my food allowances together tonight in an attempt to avoid the starving wolf hunger I felt today. Lori also said that after a couple more days I shouldn't have such a hard time of things as my stomach becomes accustomed to eating less food...AKA the right amount of food. I lost a little weight between Saturday (when I signed up for the weight loss program) and today (my first counseling session with Lori since sign-up day) and we're going to make it a regular appt. I'll see her every Monday at 5:30 Lord willing and the crick don't rise.
My friend Rachy Rach signed up two to three weeks before me and she has already lost some poundage. I call her Godzilla on the weight bench. This chick is putting me to weight lifting shame. I love it. She's a beast. I tell her so and she laughs. I have plans to order her a t-shirt. Oh yeah. Godzilla.
Well, back to planning. Ciao!
Good luck!!!!