Monday, January 7, 2008

Freakin' Out!

Today was back-to-boot-camp day. I was a little overwhelmed emotionally when I arrived at boot camp this morning. I had to have my blood pressure taken as part of the requirements for the experience. For the first time in my blood pressure was high (145/84). I had it rechecked at lunch and it was 124/82 or something like that, still high, but lower than it was. I'm usually around 120/80.

On the way to get my blood pressure rechecked at lunchtime, I started thinking back over the last few months to September and about memorable life events that have taken place since then and why, pray tell I may be experiencing high BP and I came to realize... A whole lotta stuff has been happening, and I haven't really stopped to consider it all, until now.

For the past several months I have been fretting about a number of things:

From September to December I was taking two classes and working full time.

In October I was in my second car accident on my husband's birthday, (the first happened almost a year ago to the day).

In November, I ran my first 5K race and graduated from my first session of boot camp.

Also in that month, my husband was layed off right before Thanksgiving and he's still looking for a job. Thankfully, he can collect unemployment.

Since August we have concertedly been trying to conceive and have been unsuccessful to date (but I've been off BC for years). My sister in law had her first baby on December 27th.

Mid December the first Christmas credit card bill arrived.

December 31st, a friend passed away after a long illness. Compound all this with job and marriage stress, the inability to conceive, and a five pound weight gain and you arrive at today! How am I doing? I'm ready to freak out and faint. Oh, Did I mention my Aunt Flow came to town this morning?

1 comment:

  1. (((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))

    If there is anything I can do, if you wanna grab some coffee & talk or just hang out- whatever- you know how to reach me. I'm praying for you!
