There's a new movie in theatres starring Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. You may have heard about it. It's called "The Bucket List." This movie is on my list of movies I want to see and I'll tell you why. It's because it's an emotional drama and what hot mama don't want a little drama now and then?
But looks good. Check out this link.
Plot summary: two old guys meet and decide to fulfill some dreams before they kick the bucket. It's a movie about seizing the day. Carpe Diem (per Dead Poets' Society, Thank you Robin Williams).
As a self-admitted "People Pleaser," the older I get, I too care less about what other people think. I can't be responsible for the reactions of other people, I can only be responsible for my own actions and provocations.
What follows is a select list of other things I have discovered about myself and life in general as I get older.
I don't like to be micro-managed.
I like deadlines and people who stick to them.
People can look at the same situation from different perspectives and see different things and have separate reactions.
Rain falls on the just and the unjust.
"Thrifty" I admire, but "Cheap?" Never!
Everything that draws breath on this earth will one day be worm food. Carpe Diem. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
If I'm on vacation and I have the opportunity to do something new and adventurous, I'll JUST DO IT! I may never get a second chance.
I've also learned that no one is "cut out for marriage." Everyone has to work at it. Marriage is work, not a fairy tale. You will have what I like to call "loud fellowship" with your husband or wife (arguments).
Can I get an Amen?
"Loud fellowship" - Rigel, I love you.
so, amen, sister. :)