I have enjoyed reading and writing since I was very young. I still have volumes of phonetically spelled stories I wrote in kindergarten in a scrapbook at home (thanks to my mom). I also have multiple diaries I kept through high school and some into college.
When I was a child, my mother took my sister and me to the library all the time (it was only a short walk from our house growing up). Mom read to us often and I became interested in fiction and storytelling from childhood.
I remember that in 3rd grade we had a book worm made of construction paper that stretched all the way around our classroom. The segments of his body were multicolored circles baring the name of a book, and the child’s name who had read it. I used to get a thrill every time my name and a book would go join the book worm on the wall!
Besides my mom, I had several influential teachers who not only read to us, but also encouraged us to read independently and out loud in class. I remember being transported to C.S. Lewis’s land of Narnia again and again. I visited the prairie with Laura Ingalls Wilder and I solved mysteries with Nancy Drew.
Today I continue to enjoy reading and writing. I read independently whenever I have the opportunity, and I maintain a personal Blog. I find that reading and writing not only relax me by allowing me to vacation from the pressures of life, they also help me to express and process my feelings and give me an outlet for my thoughts. I cannot imagine life without these abilities. They have helped shape my life.
When I was a child, my mother took my sister and me to the library all the time (it was only a short walk from our house growing up). Mom read to us often and I became interested in fiction and storytelling from childhood.
I remember that in 3rd grade we had a book worm made of construction paper that stretched all the way around our classroom. The segments of his body were multicolored circles baring the name of a book, and the child’s name who had read it. I used to get a thrill every time my name and a book would go join the book worm on the wall!
Besides my mom, I had several influential teachers who not only read to us, but also encouraged us to read independently and out loud in class. I remember being transported to C.S. Lewis’s land of Narnia again and again. I visited the prairie with Laura Ingalls Wilder and I solved mysteries with Nancy Drew.
Today I continue to enjoy reading and writing. I read independently whenever I have the opportunity, and I maintain a personal Blog. I find that reading and writing not only relax me by allowing me to vacation from the pressures of life, they also help me to express and process my feelings and give me an outlet for my thoughts. I cannot imagine life without these abilities. They have helped shape my life.
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