According to the nurse...that's how pregnant I am. I arrived at the office and gave some more blood for another HCG level check (which I found out they will continue to do, but not share the results of those tests with me unless something is wrong, until they release me to the care of my OBGYN), and then I had my visit with Dr. S. He checked out the blasties using TVU (he called them the "implants") and told me everything looked good...two gestational sacs with yolk sacs inside etc. I have another ultrasound next week and at that point we may be able to hear the heartbeats. By week 7 we should really be able to hear them. They tell us that after documentation of the heartbeat that only 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. This little gem was in their literature.
It's pretty heady stuff. Next week, the "implants" will be about the size of tic-tacs. I can't help it, but now that I think about it, well, what do YOU associate with that word?
I'm still on the low-dose aspirin, a prenatal, and the Endometrin 3x a day, and now I have added a folic acid supplement to the mix. Pretty soon, I'll need one of those M-F pill boxes for old people.
SO EXCITING! I'm praying that all continues to go well!