Thursday, July 22, 2010

Awe Yeah... PREGGERS

In at 7:30 am for the blood work, found out just after 3:00 pm this afternoon I'm pregnant! Praise God. Now I have three follow-up blood draws to make sure my HCG level continues to rise and then they might give me a due date. ;)

Cats out of the bag folks. This chick is a watermelon smugglin' fiend. Perhaps it is too early to rejoice, but I've kept it out in the open so far, so you're with me for the duration. Let's see where we go from here.


  1. Not too early to rejoice that at this very moment in time there is a baby in your belly :)

  2. HOORAY!! that's so great...can't tell you how happy we are for you guys!

  3. aw yeah!! rejoicing with you!!

  4. So thrilled for you! Hope it's an easy pregnancy!

  5. AMEN!!! I'm so excited for you, and I will be praying that all goes well!
