Hubby and I had a nice long walk at Peace Valley Park after a shortened canoe outing on Lake Galena. We got a used canoe from someone and decided to give it a trial run. That thing was not seaworthy, or even lakeworthy, threatening to dump us into the drink. Needless to say, we kept close to shore and made that "maiden" voyage short and sweet.
After an early picnic lunch (made that much earlier by a tippy canoe), we went on a walk around the nature trails and found a place to park it at a picnic table to chat about the realm of invitrofertilization. We sifted through the information packet and pondered our familial future. What to do?
My husband graciously agreed to give me all the required shots, and to wake up in the AM to administer them without my nagging him to do so. We discussed the emotional upheaval that hormone shots bring, and the potential disappointments of failed attempts. We discussed the possibility of multiple births, and of the increased chance of miscarriage.
I want our family. Insurance will pay for most of our expenses associated with invitro. I want to try so that I don't ever have to think "what if?". The plan is to call the fertility place with my Day One so that they can schedule the laproscopy to check for endometriosis. I will be giving them permission to clear it away if they find any when they are in there.
I hope that God will bless our efforts and that he is guiding these decisions.
love ya, Rige!