I'm almost at the top. Like a roller coaster cresting the top of a hill, my arms are up in the air and I'm getting ready to scream like an adrenaline junkie skydiving out of an airplane...
At the end of this experience, I'll be screaming like Mel Gibson's character William Wallace at the end of the movie Braveheart..."FREEDOM!"
I love my placement, my kids and my co-op, not to mention the other teachers at the school, but there is something quite satisfying and even liberating to know that I am reaching the pinnacle of my student teaching experience and that it will only get "easier" from here.
At the end of this experience, I'll be screaming like Mel Gibson's character William Wallace at the end of the movie Braveheart..."FREEDOM!"
I love my placement, my kids and my co-op, not to mention the other teachers at the school, but there is something quite satisfying and even liberating to know that I am reaching the pinnacle of my student teaching experience and that it will only get "easier" from here.
Easy is a relative term, in the eye of the beholder. Yes, my teaching hours will decrease, but my responsibilities haven't lessened, my focus is only shifting from one set of tasks to another. I still have my portfolio to finish, interviews to prepare for and applications to fill out. Oh! And I still have to find a job, but I've decided that I'll cross each of those bridges when I come to them.
I'll all about preparing for the future, but living in the present. If I thought only of what COULD happen, I would miss what IS.
I'll all about preparing for the future, but living in the present. If I thought only of what COULD happen, I would miss what IS.
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