I start teaching Math tomorrow! Yay! Who thought I could get this excited over DIVISION? Ahhh!!!!! We might have a delay tomorrow because of the weather, but I seriously doubt we'll get a snow day.
Life has changed for me. Now I get up between 6:00 and 6:30 a.m. and I'm working until 3:30-4:00 pm at school. Then I come home and write lesson plans! I really enjoy teaching and I love the kids. They are so sweet. I am pretty tired nowadays and I REALLY have to plan ahead of time with my food and exercise.
I'm finally below 185 pounds. I haven't been below 185 for awhile. 25 pounds to go! I'd like to get down to 160-165 lbs. I'm fitting back into my 12s and I'd like to be back into my 10s.
I'm watching The Biggest Loser on TV. That's pretty darn inspirational. It's weigh-in time! I LOVE this part. Gotta go!
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