Monday, November 3, 2008

The Election, Drawing Near the End of the Semester, and Other Thoughts

Election Day, November 4, 2008. Rise and shine campers, it's Voting Day. Have you done your civic duty and voted in this election?

Let's talk about your voting experience. What was it like? I'm planning on voting, but I'm not sure whether or not I will try and brave the crowds before or after work. Probably before.... though that means getting up REALLY early.

After all the voting hullabaloo, all I really want to do is bury myself in a cloud of crisp, autumn leaves and look up at the sky and then close my eyes and listen to the sounds around me while I relax in a quiet moment of silent meditation. Sigh. Instead, me and all the rest of working Americans will trudge to our jobs. I'm glad I have a job to go to, it just makes for an extra long day.

There are four more classes left in the fall semester and everyone in my Research Design class will breath a collective sigh of relief when we are done presenting our research projects on Wednesday, December 3rd. What a day of rejoicing that will be! I still don't have my student teaching placement so I'm getting a bit worried. I have this feeling I'm going to get dumped on some poor teacher that doesn't want a student teacher in his/her classroom. I dread not getting a good placement. I really would like a mentor teacher that has a lot to share with me and knowledge to pass on. As a teacher would you gladly take a student teacher into your classroom?

Today is my parents 35th wedding anniversary. Yup. Married to the same person for 35 years! Congrats Mom and Dad! It's quite an accomplishment in this day and age. In the Marriage Enrichment Sunday school class I have been attending with my husband, we've been talking about what we can do to keep the spark/spice in our marriage alive and well. It's pretty sad, but not too many people were interested in sharing any stories about what works for them. Perhaps they didn't have anything to share. It was 9:30 a.m. on a Sunday morning, and everyone looked tired. What do you do in your marriage to keep that spark alive?


  1. I always wanted a student teacher! If I had a classroom still, you could come teach in it anytime!

    Spice in marriage, huh. It's not easy. Jeff and I try to have a "date night" once a month or so. Since we have no money that means we eat after the kids have gone to bed, and spend the evening with each other - not in front of the TV.

  2. Dorothy, awe...thanks.

    Sometimes I wish I could lasso the TV, the computer, the laptop and Jeff's Blackberry and throw them into the sea. I hate electronic competition.

    Oh, I almost forgot the endless stream of paperback novels he squirrels away and reads instead of spending time with me. I've been reduced to "jealousy of books." Sad?

  3. Yeah Joel and I have started a Technology Free Friday thing, we try not to be on the phone, not watch TV and not be online. We often find ourselves just slipping into not paying too much attention to each other and just mindlessly relaxing. So this really helps.
