Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Jobless in Telford

Well...I lost my job on Thursday the 14th. That door is closed. I've got some severance and health care through the month of Sept. which is good comfort to me. There was a brief moment in time over the weekend I flirted with the idea of student teaching now instead of the fall, but I decided to wait for a better placement in the spring. I'll concentrate on finishing my course work and on finding a new job to hold me over until I student teach.

On the plus side, I had a great Pampered Chef party Friday night and had fun and fabulous desserts. It was very fun and relaxing to hang out with friends and family. I have some bucks to spend on PC gear to spend as a result of the party's success. That will be fun!

Please keep Jeff and I in your prayers as we try and decide how to proceed from here.