Wednesday, May 14, 2008

To quote Queen, "I Want to be Free"

It's pretty nice outside; so nice in fact that I should be outside running instead of sitting at my desk wanting to bang my head against the wall from lack of amusing things to do.

I get to keep my present job until January and at that point they're going to make my job part time. Between now and then, the number of people I will be supporting will increase (but probably not the pay) because of a lack of institutional growth. The evidence of cutbacks is prevalent across the United States economy so it's not surprising that it's effecting little ole me as well. Ah! Capitalism!

Soon I will be able to go get the next two books in the Stephen Lawhead series I'm reading (The Song of Albion) and then I'll hit the trail to go running and try and go farther than I did yesterday, which isn't very far. :) Jeff is working late again...trying to make the money to help keep us in our house, while I continue to labor to provide us with health insurance and to pay the bills.

This year, we probably will NOT go on vacation because Jeff is working three jobs and we won't know if he gets the fulltime position promotion from being the intern guy until it's too late to go on vacation. Not having money makes life less comfortable to live.

Stay in school, eat your veggies, and major in Math or Science or Business so you can one day make lots of money and afford to live comfortably.

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