My friend, we'll call Bryan (thanks for the permission) had this to say about the link above (which I emailed to him for nostalgic purposes):
Talk about selective memory. I was alive in the 60’s (born in ’61). My life got off to a horrible start because baby formula (read inedible gruel) had just been invented and that was my nourishment. Then I remember drugs, gangs and racism in my public elementary school, Playboy being sold out in the open at the local drug store, and watching “family shows” such as “Laugh-in” and “Hee-Haw” where the ladies in short shorts would sing songs about God’s love and the wonder of adultery back to back. Innocent generation?…please. We rushed home from school so we could watch Bug’s Bunny blow the head off of Elmer Fudd several times in a half an hour. I remember being highly upset when Bugs Bunny was pre-empted so we could watch someone land on the moon. After TV we would roam the neighborhood unsupervised for hours until dinner. The next day, we had to walk to school and run the gauntlet of all the neighborhood dogs. When we got to school we practiced sitting under our desks as if that would somehow protect us from the nuclear attack that was sure to come. Sure stuff was cheap but when you didn’t have any money, you couldn’t buy it anyway. Oh, and smoking cigarettes was cool. Everyone has selective memory but it was a cool video to watch. Now back to what I should be doing.
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