Go ahead. Take me seriously. I'm de-hairing my upper lip. I'm almost 31 years old and I'm sharing a beauty secret some women don't share, especially because they know that occasionally....MEN read their blog. Gasp!
I use Nair Facial Hair Remover. My Aunt Jenny told me about it. While we were all together for Thanksgiving, we all frosted our faces to remove that unsightly, unwanted facial hair. One word of caution, don't leave it on too long.
I don't really have that much to complain about. My facial hair is blonde. What really gets me is that occasional one-inch hair I find underneath my chin...It's usually just out of my line of vision and once found, it feeds my urge to frost and remove my upper lip hair.
Face it girls...when that peach fuzz growth you've been denying starts being visible against the flesh of your upper lip...it's time for action and for gosh sakes, don't SHAVE it. No woman needs a 5 o'clock shadow.
I use Nair Facial Hair Remover. My Aunt Jenny told me about it. While we were all together for Thanksgiving, we all frosted our faces to remove that unsightly, unwanted facial hair. One word of caution, don't leave it on too long.
I don't really have that much to complain about. My facial hair is blonde. What really gets me is that occasional one-inch hair I find underneath my chin...It's usually just out of my line of vision and once found, it feeds my urge to frost and remove my upper lip hair.
Face it girls...when that peach fuzz growth you've been denying starts being visible against the flesh of your upper lip...it's time for action and for gosh sakes, don't SHAVE it. No woman needs a 5 o'clock shadow.
Look for hair removing cream at Walmart in the beauty isle! Ask a nice sales lady for help if you need to find it.
Don't just do it for the sake of beauty...do it because....well, you look better without a mustache.
Don't just do it for the sake of beauty...do it because....well, you look better without a mustache.
Sally Hanson Spa Wax. 'Nuf said.