In a few days I'll hold it in my hot, little hands...my student teaching application is on its way to me! I'm pretty excited that things are moving in the right direction...towards a teaching career.
Now that my Praxis 1 exam is scheduled, and I have information on my Praxis 2 exams, I can begin to prepare myself for the expense and rigor of taking and passing all my teaching exams. (I'll need to watch "Anne of Avonlea" to psych myself up).
People have told me they can see my teaching elementary or middle school, so I'm preparing for both. Why not make myself more marketable if I can afford it?
Prayer Requests:
Complete student teaching application
Take and pass Praxis exams and earn appropriate teaching certifications on time
Teach in the district God places me into
Student teach with an awesome teacher
Now that my Praxis 1 exam is scheduled, and I have information on my Praxis 2 exams, I can begin to prepare myself for the expense and rigor of taking and passing all my teaching exams. (I'll need to watch "Anne of Avonlea" to psych myself up).
People have told me they can see my teaching elementary or middle school, so I'm preparing for both. Why not make myself more marketable if I can afford it?
Prayer Requests:
Complete student teaching application
Take and pass Praxis exams and earn appropriate teaching certifications on time
Teach in the district God places me into
Student teach with an awesome teacher
Questions in my head:
How long does the student teaching experience take?
How stressful IS the experience going to be?
How stressful IS the experience going to be?
Tips for preparing for the student teaching experience?
What's it going to be like?
How do I THRIVE and not simply SURVIVE the experience?
How can I be a help to my supervising teacher and not a hindrance?
Any advice?